Using Simulator for testing autonomous drive
The remarkable progress in autonomous driving technology has revolutionized the automotive industry, bringing us closer to a future of fully autonomous vehicles. However, before these technologies...

Virtual Stress-Testing a Digital Twin of a Motor Control Platform using Dynamic Fault-injection
IntroductionThe use-case presented here is a system redesign of a Motor Control Platform where an existing microcontroller (MCU) is to be replaced by a new RISC-V core. Replacing a core component of...

Knowledge-centric systems engineering with the Systems Engineering Suite
Among the existing general systems engineering approaches, there exists a growing interest in industry towards the so-called Knowledge Centric Systems Engineering (KCSE) [2]. It can be regarded as a...

Applying a “Machine Learning Pipeline” to detect unknown faults and failures in a Human Robot Interaction assembly process
Robots are utilized in repetitive, deterministic tasks in production lines or at robotic assembly workstations to carry out a range of processes, including handling of objects, operating machinery,...

ISO12100 Standard: how Risk Analysis contributes to design of safe machinery
Figure 1 the Risk Graph defined in ISO12100Risk analysis is an interconnected process that provides a systematic methodology for defining measures or other interventions to protect health in an...

Threat Modelling and Risk Management with THREATGET
THREATGET, is an Enterprise architect plugin developed by AIT, which allows to model and visualize a security-focused representation of a system. It enables the integration of “security-by-design”...

Verification, Validation, Security, Privacy and Safety! Sister terms all meet under the umbrella concept: Trusted Digital Twin of cyber-physical systems
“Nearly in all conferences, fairs or technology events, everybody is talking about the same topics: cyber-physical systems, digital twins, trusted digital systems, AI-enabled smart cyber-physical...

Formally Verifying Autonomous Systems
Dr Matt Luckcuck and Dr Marie Farrell discuss how robust Formal Methods can help to verify autonomous systems.Autonomous and automated systems present a variety of challenges for robust verification...

Verification and validation methods for industrial robots
The use of industrial robots in the industry reached to 2.7 million in 2020 according to the world robotics industrial robots report [1]. This number is expected to rise due to fact that robots...

Cyber-Physical Systems – Addressing Safety and Security Aspects in the Presence of Runtime Monitors
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are systems with tight integration of computation, communication, and physical processes. These systems are the basis of many contemporary application domains, including...

Security of Automated systems – exploiting risk assessment as countermeasure against cyber-threats
Automation is the key factor that will be increasingly present in the factories of the future. This type of systems is used in a wide range of applications, such as control and monitoring systems, data security applications, factory automation systems, automated message response systems, autonomous vehicles etc. The rise in automation leads to significant advantages in economic and safety terms.

Collaborative robotics – A way to ease recycling and enhance labour market inclusion
Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) represents the fastest-growing type of waste in Europe. The increasing levels of electronic waste, inappropriate elimination, and insecure treatment pose significant risks to the environment and human health. Over the last decades, the ever-higher amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment has become a significant problem worldwide.

Lower costs for verification and validation of automated systems and a safer everyday life for the end user
Highly automated systems are being increasingly used in our day-to-day life. A great number of these system are also safety-critical, meaning that failures in them could result in loss of lives or damage to the environment. Examples of these systems are cars, airplanes, and health monitoring systems. Is it possible to anticipate possible errors and eliminate them to the extent that we could launch these systems into our everyday lives? The answer is -Yes! RISE is the coordinator of the VALU3S project where state-of-the-art methods and tools are used to verify and validate the safety and security of automated systems.