VALU3S Use Case Interview: Autonomous Train Operation.
The rail industry is moving towards full automation. This means that the development of a suitable environment perception systems capable of...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: V&V of driver monitoring system to guarantee its safety and performance
In this video, André Lourenço, the CEO of CardioID, explains how the Validation and Verification framework developed within VALU3S is contributing...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: Collaboration in a NMT Infusion Controller for regulation of NeuroMuscular Transmission Vital Sign in Operating Room.
This interview provides a short introduction to the NMT Infusion controller use case in the EU-funded project VALU3S. The main objective has been...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: Industrial Drives for Motion Control
This interview provides a short introduction to the industrial drives for motion control use case in the EU-funded project VALU3S. Important...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: Intelligent Traffic Surveillance
Watch the video-interview of the VALU3S use case, a short introduction to the industrial drives for motion control use case in the EU-funded project...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: Intelligent Traffic Surveillance
Watch the video-interview of the VALU3S use case about Intelligent Traffic Surveillance. In this video, Lukas Marsik from CAMEA explains the...
Using Simulator for testing autonomous drive
The remarkable progress in autonomous driving technology has revolutionized the automotive industry, bringing us closer to a future of fully...
VALU3S is organizing a summer school!
The VALU3S project is proud to organize a summer school with the focus on the results produced during the project. The theme of the school...
VALU3S Use Case Interview: Agriculture Robot
In this video, Emanuele Mingozzi from ESTE is explaining needs and challenges of the Agriculture Robot use case. In details, the Agriculture Robot...
Watch the VALU3S training Session 9: ISO 10218-2_2011 Robots and robotic devices — Safety requirements for industrial robots — Part 2
Watch here.
Watch the video-interview of the VALU3S use case about Human-Robot Collaboration in a Disassembly Process with Disabled Workers
End-of-life (EOL) products are continually being discarded, causing several environmental issues. Responsible treatment of EOL products can include...
Video recording: VALU3S Information meeting and announcement of open repository
On November 30 2022 the VALU3S project hosted an online information meeting. First a project introduction was given by Behrooz Sangolie from RISE,...