On November 30 2022 the VALU3S project hosted an online information meeting. First a project introduction was given by Behrooz Sangolie from RISE, the coordinator of VALU3S. After this Joseba A. Agirre Bastegieta, professor/researcher at the Department of Electronics and Computer Science at Mondragon University, guided us through the new repository hosting the elements of V&V processes.
Deficiencies in highly automated systems, such as in self-driving vehicles, industrial robots, hospital equipment or railway and air traffic control, can cause disasters. Therefore, verification and validation of such systems are crucial to maintain security and safety.
Background, aim and goal
Today, the high complexity of automated systems makes the verification and validation (V&V) process time-consuming and costly. To address this issue, and since May 2020, partners within the VALU3S project have been designing, implementing, and evaluating methods and tools to reduce the time and cost needed to verify and validate automated systems with respect to safety, cybersecurity, and privacy requirements. To this end, 13 use cases, from the domains of automotives, agriculture, railway, healthcare, aerospace, and industrial robotics have been used to evaluate the V&V methods and tools investigated.
Open web-based repository
As part of the activities conducted within the project, a framework has been designed with the intention to create a clear structure around the components and elements needed to conduct the V&V process. The framework has been used to design and populate a web-based repository hosting the elements of V&V processes. The repository has been continuously updated with the results obtained within the project. However, it is only from November 2022 that the repository will be available for the public. This information meeting will be used as a platform to present the repository to the interested organizations.
Watch the recorded meeting here.