Figure 1: the beautiful building of Orona Idea Campus in Hernani, San Sebastian (ES).
The 7th General Assembly and Consortium Meeting has been held on 17th-18th May 2022 in San Sebastian (ES) thanks to the hospitality of Mondragon University. The event was located in the brand new and futuristic facility of Orona Ideo Campus, in Hernani town.
After two years of virtual meetings due to pandemic breakout and consequent travel restrictions, finally all the XX VALU3S partners had the occasion to take part to the first physical plenary meeting. It has been very nice (and sometimes also weird) to see live faces of people with which partners are collaborating since 2019.
The first day of meeting was dedicated to the presentation of objectives and activities planned for the third and last year of the project in the morning, while in the afternoon a demonstrator session has taken place. Within the latter, VALU3S partners had the opportunities to showcase methods, tools and use-cases involved in the project through pitches, posters and live demonstrations.

Figure 2: VALU3S partners during the demo session.
The second day of the meeting was fully dedicated to the rehearsal of the several presentations for the Review Meeting of the second year of the project, which will take place in the end of June. Partners were indeed prepared to report major advancements of activities and results achieved during the second
To conclude, it has been a very intense but grateful meeting. Partners are indeed ready for the final rush up to the end of the project, making all the best to make VALU3S successful!

Figure 3: photo group of VALU3S Consortium.