On behalf of the AIDOaRT research project (https://www.kdt-ju.europa.eu/projects/aidoart), the first public workshop was held on November 18th.

AIDOaRT focusses on AI-augmented automation supporting the continuous development of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) in its phases, such as requirements, monitoring, modelling, coding, and testing. The growing complexity of CPS poses several challenges throughout all software development and analysis phases, but also during their service and maintenance life.

Why this workshop?
The workshops aim to find and discuss new methods and tool workflows for future product development, to master the safety, security and quality challenges of tomorrow. Your expert knowledge from your projects is the input which is desired in the workshop.

● The growing complexity of Cyber-Physical Systems poses several challenges throughout all software development and analysis phases, but also during their usage and maintenance.
● Many leading companies have started envisaging the automation of tomorrow by full-blown Artificial Intelligence (AI).

The workshop enables:
● To maintain a constant dialogue with related industry interest groups
● To establish scientific collaborations through conferences, workshops, summer schools and joint journal publications
● To prepare for joint exploitation of the AIDOaRT results through planning and arrangements for co-marketing and co-distribution

The opening workshop was attended by 30 interested parties.

The workshop started with a welcome and introductory round table, where all participants were invited to give a brief introduction to their current work and expertise.
The presentations of the workshop objectives and an AIDOaRT project introduction opens the thematic part of the workshop.

Five different thematically appropriate projects were then presented by invited participants, such as: VALU3S (www.valu3s.eu), CDL-MINT (https://cdl-mint.se.jku.at), ADEX (https://adex.ait.ac.at), AI4CSM (https://ai4csm.automotive.oth-aw.de/) and LearnTwins (https://projekte.ffg.at/projekt/3851920).

The workshop technology topics were defined as follows: AI, DevOps (development process for new functions…), model-driven development process and Cyber Physical System. These topics were illustrated through more detailed presentations of AIDOaRT work results.

In an open discussion synergies, challenges and opportunities for new methods and tool workflows for future product development were discussed with all workshop participants.

The workshop finished with a feedback and idea collect around.

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