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Valu3s Introduction Movie

VALU3S is a 3-years collaborative project funded by ECSEL JU under Horizon 2020 Work Programme. The project, started on May 2020, will last until April 2023 with a consortium composed by more than 40 partners coming from 10 different European countries.

VALU3S Welcome Video

Introduction video to the f the VALU3S project.

PressBriefing 1 VALUE3S 200812

August 12th 2020 the VALU3S project held a Press Briefing launching the project to the media and the general public. This is a recording of the meeting that, because of the corona pandemic, was held online.

VALU3S Information meeting and announcement of open repository 221130

November 30th 2022 the VALU3S project held an infomration meeting presenting the status of the the project and announcing the launch of the open repository. This is a recording of the meeting that was held online.

Training sessions

Wireless Interface Network Security Assessment

Introductory video on “Wireless Interface Network Security Assessment” by Fabio Patrone and colleagues from University of Genova, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021.

Runtime Verification Based on Formal Specifications

Introductory video on “Runtime Verification Based on Formal Specifications” by Giann Nandi from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021.

Risk Analysis for Secure Automated Systems

Introductory video on “Risk Analysis for Secure Automated Systems” by Davide Ottonello from STAM, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021.

Introduction to Model Checking

Video on “Introduction to Model Checking” by José Proença from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021.

Simulation-based fault and attack injection at system level

Introductory video on “Simulation-based fault and attack injection at system level” by Mateen Malik from RISE, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021.

Virtual Architecture Development and Simulated Evaluation of Software Concepts with FERAL

Presentation entitled “Virtual Architecture Development and Simulated Evaluation of Software Concepts with FERAL” by Thomas Bauer from FRAUNHOFER, in the scope of the second part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

Model-implemented fault and attack injection

Presentation entitled “Model-implemented fault and attack injection” by Peter Folkesson from RISE, in the scope of the second part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

Model Based Failure Logic Analysis

Presentation entitled “Model Based Failure Logic Analysis” by Silvia Mazzini from INTECS, in the scope of the second part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

Formalising Verifiable Requirements

Presentation entitled “Formalising Verifiable Requirements” by Marie Farrell from NUIM, in the scope of the second part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

Simulating Traffic Scenarios using CARLA

Presentation entitled “Simulating Traffic Scenarios using CARLA” by INFOTIV, in the scope of the first part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

Model-Based Assurance and Certification

Presentation entitled “Model-Based Assurance and Certification” by Jose Luis la Vara from UCLM, in the scope of the second part of VALU3S 1st training session that took place online on the 22nd of March 2021.

VALU3S – First Training Session (Part 1 – Complete)

First part of the VALU3S First Training Session that took place online on the 25th of March 2021. In this first part, five training modules were presented that covered five different V&V methods that are part of the baseline of the project.

Standardisation Training Session 1 – CEN ISO/IEEE 11073

Medical Devices are key for improved wellbeing within our society, and growing to become more and more automated and address evergrowing challenging task in medical treatments. Learn more about CEN ISO/IEEE 11073, a standard focused on medical device communication, by watching this VALU3S training session.

Standardisation Training Session 2 – ISO/SAE 21434

Cybersecurity is a fundamental area to develop automated system on which we can trust! Get to know more about relevant standards focusing on this area by watching this training session!

Standardisation Training Session 3 – ISO 26262

Do you want to get to know ISO 26262 and ISO/PAS 21448, two of the more relevant standards focused on safety? Take the opportunity and watch this video, where Christoph Schmitter, from VALU3S partner AIT, gives a very intersting overview about these two standards.

Standardisation Training Session 4 – DO-178C

DO-178C is the de facto document by which the certification authorities all commercial software-based aerospace systems. Get to know more about this standard, and its associated DO-333 supplement by watching this VALU3S training session.

Standardisation Training Session 5 – ANSI/UL 4600

Autonomous Systems and products are a main player in the process of making our society more and more digital, helping us to overcome societal tasks with high degree of safety. Get to know more about one of the standards that focus on evaluating fully autonomous products requiring no human driver supervision.

Project Use Cases in a Nuthell

Use case 9: Autonomous Train Operation​

CAF Signalling presents the use case 9 of the VALU3S project with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use case 13: Industrial Drives for Motion Control

Bernhard Fischer and martin Matschnig from SIEMENS present the use-case with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use case 3: Radar System for ADAS

Manuel Schmidt from NXP presents the use-case with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use case 10: Safe function out-of-context​

BT presented the use case 10 of the VALU3S project with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use case 6: Agriculture Robot​

ESTE presents the use case 6 of the VALU3S project with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use Case 7: Human-Robot Collaboration in a Disassembly Process with Workers with Disabilities​

ALKADIN presents the use case 7 of the VALU3S project with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use Case 11: Automated Robot Inspection Cell for Quality Control of Automotive Body-in-White

OTOKAR presents the use case 11 with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.

Use Case 4: Human-Robot-Interaction in Semi-Automatic Assembly Processes

PUMACY TECHNOLOGY presents the fourth use case of the VALU3S project with a special reference to its role in VALU3S. Moreover, they list the needs for the use case and the expectations from VALU3S developments.


Methods & Tools in a Nutshell

Black-Box Testing for Security-Informed Safety of Automated Driving System

Martin Skoglund from RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, in this video depictes main features of Black-Box Testing method applied to Security-Informed Safety of Automated Driving System and what outstandin improvements are foreseen within VALU3S project.

Simulation-based Fault and Attack Injection at system-level​

Mateen Malik from RISE, Research Institute of Sweden, in this video explains the main phases of the Simulation-based Fault and Attack Injection at system-level​ and the future improvements during the developments within the VALU3S project.

Wireless interface network security assessment​

Fabio Patrone from UNIGE, University of Genoa, presents the method which they will develop and improve within the VALU3S project, Wireless interface network security assessment​.

Intrusion Detection for WSN based on WPM State Estimation

UnivAQ, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, presents one of the two methodologies which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Intrusion Detection for WSN based on WPM State Estimation.

Kalman filter-based fault detector​

Francesco Smarra and Alessandro D’Innocenzo​ from UnivAQ, Università degli Studi dell’Aquila, presents one of the two methodologies which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Kalman filter-based fault detector​​.

Virtual & Augmented Reality-Based User Interaction V&V and Technology Acceptance

Arturo Garcia from UCLM, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, depicts one of the methods developed during the VALU3S project, Virtual & Augmented Reality-Based User Interaction Verification and Validation and Technology Acceptance. 

Interface fault injection​

Nuno Laranjeiro ​from COIMBRA presents one of the methodology which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Interface fault injection​. After having illustrated the main objectives and described the methodology, the future improvements are shown.

Vulnerability Analysis of Cryptographic Modules Against Hardware-Based Attacks​

ERARGE, Ergünler Co., Ltd. R&D Center​, presents one of the methodology which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Vulnerability Analysis of Cryptographic Modules Against Hardware-Based Attacks​.

Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs​

BUT, Brno University of Technology, presents one of the method which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Dynamic Analysis of Concurrent Programs​​​​​​. After having illustrated the main objectives and described the methodology, the future improvements are shown.

Static Analysis​

BUT, Brno University of Technology, presents one of the method which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Static Analysis​​​​​. After having illustrated the main objectives and described the methodology, the future improvements are shown.

Model-Based Formal Specification and Verification of Robotic Systems​

ESOGU presents one of the methodology which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Model-Based Formal Specification and Verification of Robotic Systems​​​​. After having illustrated the main objectives and described the methodology, the future improvements are shown.

Software-Implemented Fault Injection​

Frederico Cerveira​ from COIMBRA presents one of the methodology which uses during the development of the VALU3S project, the Software-Implemented Fault Injection​​​. After having illustrated the main objectives and described the methodology, the future improvements are shown.

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